Promoting Sustainable Solar Fuel Production Technologies

The PHOTOSINT project aims to develop new catalytic earth-abundant materials developing a new photo-electrochemical cell (PEC) to produce hydrogen or methanol using sunlight as an energy source and, wastewater and CO2 as feedstocks. Design parameters of the PEC cell will be tuned to maximize solar to fuel (STF) efficiency. The cell will couple a perovskite solar PV cell, equipped with a novel light concentrator to illuminate the semiconductor surface to maximize overall energy efficiency, and an electrochemical cell for hydrogen and methanol synthesis.

The PHOTOSINT project presents solutions to the challenges chemical industries are facing in integrating renewable energy sources into their processes. For integrating sunlight energy into the industry, the catalyst will be studied, and the methodology of the project will go from laboratory to pilot scale demonstration with tandem PEC cells in a real environment. These steps are necessary to assess the industrial scale-up feasibility, promoting the increased competitiveness of renewable process energy technologies and energy independence. Photosint project emerges as a valuable contributor to the EU’s 2030 target, as it addresses the challenges faced by the industry when integrating renewable energy sources into its processes. Photosint will contribute to research and identify new sources of energy, which in turn will facilitate the attainment of a substantial increase in the utilization of renewable energies.


HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-02 / HORIZON-CL5-2022-D3-02-06

Grant agrreement ID
Start – end date
1 September 2023 - 31 August 2027
Budget and funding
EUR 4 993 752.50

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.